DEATH ROW 1998. Roster of All 3,392 Death Row Inmates. Volume 8.
Author: Bobit (Bonnie) Ed. by:
Year: 1998
Publisher: Bobit Publishing.
First Edition
Edition Details: 1st US edn.
Book Condition: NrF.
ISBN: 9780962485770
Price: £20.00
Softcover. The who's who of inmates sentenced under the United State's capital punishment laws. It is the most complete - indeed only - source of information on America's death penalty. You can get a first-hand look at the men and women waiting to die on 'the Row.' See their mug shots and read about their personal history, crime details and trial highlights. The book is filled with trivia and statistical information. which method of execution is applied. Profiles include : Henry Lee Lucas, Kerry Lynn Dalton, Wiley Davis, Darlie Routier etc. Illus. + Index. 176pp. 4to. lge. format softcover. From the library of true crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. Nr.F.