Softcover. Frontier Book No. 16. Some men are famous from the instant of their birth by their very method of entering life; some grow famous for the manner in which they progress through life; while still others achieve fame by the circumstances surrounding their departure from life. Albert Johnson was one of the latter. Albert Johnson, known as the 'Mad' Trapper of Rat River, was a fugitive whose actions in 1931-1932 eventually sparked off a huge manhunt in the Northwest Territories and Yukon in Northern Canada. The event became a minor media circus as Johnson eluded the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) team sent to take him into custody, which ended after a 150 mile foot chase and a shootout in which Johnson was fatally wounded on the Eagle River, Yukon. Illus., References. 56pp. p/back. With small beverage stain to fr. cover (see image) o/w Vg+ card covers.