THE TRUE HISTORY OF THE DIARY OF JACK THE RIPPER Fully Revised New Edition Including a full-size facsimile of the original manuscript (SIGNED)

Author: Smith (Robert)
Year: 2019
Publisher: Mango Books
Edition Details: Revised Edn. (1st pub. h/b 2017)
Book Condition: NrF.
ISBN: 9781911273790
Price: £40.00
Softcover. SIGNED. This book is a revised edition of '25 Years of The Diary of Jack the Ripper', first published in 2017 in a limited hardback edition of 500 copies. Corrections have been made and new information added where applicable, including some major revelations about the diary's provenance in Chapter Three. Robert Smith's purpose is to offer a record and an assessment of what has been discovered about the physical artefact and its contents since it first emerged on 9th March 1992. As an addendum to the above, I'm now able to add further information : this revised edition contains a brand new revelatory confession by an electrician, who was a drinking buddy of Michael Barrett at 'The Saddle' in Fountains Road, Anfield, where he lived at the time that he was working on a job in James Maybrick's bedroom on the very day Barrett rang up a literary agent claiming that he had the Diary of Jack the Ripper. It contains a new and conclusive scientific and visual proof that the Diary could not have been written with a modern ink, manufactured by Diamine, as claimed by Melvin Harris and dozens of Diary detractors. It solves the mystery of the sinister guest from Liverpool staying at the Charing Cross Hotel on 14th June 1888. He left his name as S E Mibrac, which is a very simple cypher for Maybrick. The diarist claims that Michael Maybrick (a composer) "can succeed in rhyming verse". Detractors claim that the diarist got it wrong, but the book proves that Michael did write lyrics as well as music He wrote the words of his first big hit in 1875, 'A Warrior Bold'. The book establishes beyond doubt that Michael Maybrick masterminded the framing of Florence Maybrick for the murder of James, and convinced the jury that she had poisoned him with arsenic, even though there was only a minute amount of it in his stomach. It corrects the common accusation that the diarist's use of the phrase, "Perhaps I shall top myself" was too modern. According to the 'Sunday Times' in 1993, it was not recorded to mean suicide until 1958. It was, in fact, in regular use in Victorian times to mean suicide by hanging. It appears exactly in that sense in an 1831 document in the Public Records Office. 'Mayhem' is another word claimed to be too modern. However, it is used in the Diary precisely in the way it was used in Victorian times. As one dictionary defines it in 1889, Mayhem means "violently inflicting a bodily injury upon a person". It is, of course, also a pun on Maybrick's name. The new edition is revised and rewritten throughout, with much additional information and many useful clarifications. As in the first edition, the book features a full-size colour facsimile of the diary. With it to hand, you can observe far more clearly the original words, grammatical errors, handwriting, variations of ink flow, blots, blemishes, and the true colour of the ink, about which much misinformation has been disseminated. (in Chapter One). Conclusion : the diary is either an original document written c. 1888/89, or it is a modern fake. There is no other feasible option. Includes : The Facsimile of the Diary, The Transcript (new transcript correcting spellings and punctuation in the original manuscript which had been mis-transcribed), The Notes, Principal Sources + Index. 162pp. 4to. softcover. FLATSIGNED BY ROBERT SMITH. From the library of Paul Daniel, ex-editor of the 'Ripperologist' magazine (December 1996 No. 8 - February 2000 No. 27), with a tipped-in post-it note written by Paul to bep. With a tiny sticker to tail of sp. with '2019' written in black felt-tip pen o/w Nr. F. with no creasing to covers. A fairly heavy book which will require additional postage if shipped overseas.

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