THE MAGNET BOOK OF SPIES AND SPYING Discover the Secrets of the Secret World
Author: Haswell (Jock)
Year: 1987
Publisher: Magnet
Edition Details: 1st p/b edn.
Book Condition: G++
ISBN: 0416954103
Price: £4.00
Paperback. Written for children. First pub. 1986 by Methuen Children's Books. 'Do you know what a 'dead-drop' is? How would you use a 'tell-tale'? What do 'bugs'do, and how can a 'cipher' help you? If you've ever wondered what it's like to be a spy, this fascinating book will reveal the best-kept secrets of real-life agents; all the heroism, betrayal, drama - and farce - of the shadowy underworld of espionage.' With Some Intelligence Terms. 123pp. p/back. Ex-lib. but no 'dockets or pockets' just 3 rubber stamp, lacks fep. In protective sleeve. G++.