THE BLACK BOOK; or, Corruption Unmasked. On Places, Sinecures, Pensions, and Reversions

Author: Wade (John)
Year: 1820
Publisher: John Fairburn
Edition Details: 1st Edn.
Book Condition: Vg.
Price: £125.00
Hardback."...being an account of the Places, Pensions, Sinecures, the revenue of the Clergy, the salaries and emoluments of the Courts of Justice and the Police Department; the expenditure of the Civil List; the Robbery of Charitable Foundations; the Proofs of the Bank of England, arising from the issue of its notes, balances of Public Money, Management of the Borough Debt, and other sources of emolument; the Debt, Revenue, and Influence of the East-India Company, the state of the finances, debt and sinking fund, to which is added, Correct Lists of both Houses of Parliament; showing their family connections, Parliamentary influence, the Places and Pensions held by themselves or Relations distinguishing also those who voted against the Catholic Emancipation, and for the Seditious Meeting and Press Restriction bills; the whole forming a complete Exposition of the Cost, Influence, Patronage and Corruption of the Borough Government". With Appendices, and Index. 480pp. 8vo. h/back. Lacks tp. Rebacked, but with original boards. Vg.

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