WELCOME TO HELL Letters and other writings by prisoners on Death Row in the United States

Author: Arriens (Jan) Compiled and Ed. by:
Year: 1991
Publisher: Ian Falkener Publishing
Edition Details: 1st Edn.
Book Condition: F.
ISBN: 9781857630008
Price: £5.00
Softcover. A compelling portrait of life on Death Row in the United States, as seen through the eyes of the prisoners themselves. In their letters to people in Britain and Ireland, the prisoners speak of their loneliness, anguish and fear. They tell what it is like to face execution and to be abandoned by society. Often painfully, they look at the wretched childhoods and circumstances that have brought them to their present plight. Cockroach races, the typewriter made of rubber bands and toothpaste tube caps, and men who talk to their toilet bowls - an extraordinary kaleidoscope emerges of the bizarre and dehumanising world of Death Row. Many of the 2,500 men and women on Death Row have been there for over 10yrs; virtually all are poor, lack education and were the victims of bad legal representation. The book tells of their remorse and their fight for survival - and of the deep and bonding humanity that can be found even in the bleakest of situations. Illus. + Appendices. 268pp. trade size softcover. From the library of true crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. F. with no creasing to covers.


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