CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN CANADA. A Sociological Study of Repressive Law

Author: Chandler (David)
Year: 1976
Publisher: McClelland & Stewart
First Edition
Edition Details: Reprint Canadian Edn.
Book Condition: NrF.
ISBN: 0771097948
Price: £15.00
Paperback. An original study in the sociology of law, focussing on the debate over capital punishment. The author has compiled the most thorough research, at the time, on the Canadian context of this recurring and often emotional discussion. Views on abolition or retention of the death penalty are related to a wide range of factors, including ideology, religion, education, age, party affiliation, and regional origin. The analysis is of necessity broad, dealing with the most fundamental questions which concern law itself, and with the political institutions which are the forums for debate. As a sociologist, the author uses the issue as a case for more general concerns, such as the origins of repressive sanctions in society. With List of Tables, List of Figures, Appendices and Index. 224pp. p/back. From the library of true crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. Lightly browned pp. o/w Nr. F.


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