TWISTED SOUL. A Murderer's Story

Author: Avanti (Micheal)
Year: 1999
Publisher: PSL Press
First Edition
Edition Details: 1st NZ Edn.
Book Condition: NrF.
ISBN: 9780958206303
Price: £15.00
Softcover. Out-of-control teenager Micheal Avanti's life had finally careered off the rails. At just 17 and barely literate, the convicted murderer was plunged into an abyss of brutality and degradation behind the bars of New Zealand's most infamous prisons. Three decades on he's survived not only the soul-destroying grind of a life sentence - he has weathered failed relationships and shattering disappointments. In middle age this articulate and passionate man has turned his life around. Micheal's is a true story, told in his own words. It exposes a hidden dark side of New Zealand's recent past. From his turbulent origiins in Titahi Bay, to the dank cells of Paremoremo, to the tawdry and violent night club scene of 1980s Wellington, Micheal Avanti takes you on a roller-coaster journey of despair, survival and redemption. He was one of the few convicted murderers to be released from life time parole. With Epilogue and Postscript. 206pp. trade size softcover. From the library of true-crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. Nr. F.


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