Softcover. In the autumn of 1888, 5 prostitutes were slaughtered and mutilated in a way which still horrifies and chills the blood. then, as suddenly as he had appeared, the murderer vanished. All that winter, fear hung over the East End of London like a clinging, black coffin shroud. In the century since, the unknown killer has been thought, at various times, to be a doctor, a butcher, a madman, or even a member of the Royal Family. But still, despite all the speculation, he is only known by his grisly nickname : Jack the Ripper. A collection of short stories featuring : Robert Bloch, Charles L. Grant, Harlan Ellison, Stephen Gallagher and Gene Wolfe. 19 tales of Jack, Springheeled Jack, Saucy Jack and his natural children in the past, present and future. 384pp. trade size soft cover. From the library of Paul Daniel, ex-editor of the 'Ripperologist' magazine (December 1996 No. 8 - February 2000 No. 27) with his name/date rubber stamp inside back cover. Browned pp. Vg.