Hardback. Chapter headings include : Spanish Colonial Administration; Early American Rule; Slave Elijah's 1818 Trial on a Charge of Conspiracy; The 1820 Missouri Constitution and Its Background; Costs in Criminal Cases; Against Themselves: Black-on-Black Crime; White Perpetrators, Black and Mulatto Victims; Noncapital Statehood Crime, White and Black; Capital Cases: Girls and Women; Capital Crimes by Coerced Boys and Men; Capital Crimes by Wandering Boys and Men; Rape: The Crime, Its Punishment, and Its Pardons; Antebellum Lynchings of Blacks, Slaves and Free. With Appendices, Notes, Bibliopg. and Index. 324pp. 8vo. From the library of true crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. Green cloth/gilt lettering. F.