ENCYCLOPEDIA OF WORLD CRIME. Criminal Justice, Criminology, and Law Enforcement. (Six Volume Set)
Author: Nash (Jay Robert)
Year: 1989
Publisher: Crime Books Inc.
First Edition
Edition Details: 1st US edn.
Book Condition: F.
ISBN: 0923582002
Price: £950.00
Hardback. A superb, comprehensive reference work comprising 6 volumes with over 50,000 entries in alphabetical order. Contents include biographies, case studies, celebrated trials, criminal secret organizations; direct references; historic and current techniques in police science; historical events and places; literary fiction based on criminals or crime events; unsolved crimes. Plus a Dictionary (Vol V) with more than 20,000 terms used in America, UK and elsewhere by the underworld and law enforcement, from ancient times to the present. Plus Supplements : International Acronyms for Prominent Organizations and Operations; US Correctional Systems; Landmark US Federal and State Court Decisions; Landmark US Crime legislation; US Crime Commissions; US Federal Bureau of Investigation Offices by City. With an Index which contains : Bibliography; Subject Index; Proper Name Index. 4to. h/back. From the library of true crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. Maroon cloth covers with gilt lettering. F. Because of the considerable weight of these 6 volumes, it will be necessary for shipping costs to be quoted separately.