THE DOMINICI AFFAIR French justice on trial for the murder of the Drummond family.

Author: Laborde (Jean)
Year: 1989
Publisher: Penguin Books
Edition Details: 1st UK p/b Edn. (1st pub. France h/b 197
Book Condition: Vg.
ISBN: 9780140116441
Price: £6.00
Softcover. Tr. from the French by Milton Waldman. The distinguished British scientist Sir Jack Drummond, his wife and small daughter had been touring in Provence, and on April 4, 1952, they had stopped for the night near the Dominici's farmhouse. Next morning all 3 were found murdered. Attention immediately focused on Gaston Dominici, owner of Grand'Terre and patriach of a vast family clan,. But as the investigation continued, the police rapidly discovered, truth in the hands of the close-knit Dominicis ran mobile and elusive as quicksilver. With Map. 380pp. trade size softcover. Made into a film with Jean Gabin in the role of Gaston Dominici. Browned pp., Vg. with minimal creasing to covers.


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