THE POLICE JOURNAL Vol. LVI No. 1 January-March 1983
Author: Stone (R.W.) Editor:
Year: 1983
Publisher: Brry Rose Law Periodicals Ltd.
Edition Details: 1st Edn.
Book Condition: NrF.
Price: £6.00
Paperback. A Quarterly Review for the Police of the World. Contents include : The 1981 Queen's Police Gold Medal Essay Competition; Police and the Law; The Essence of Violence; Consider the Present Use of Police Manpower, Including Staff, and Suggest Ways in which all Resources could be used more Effectively; "The Army and the Police"; Army-Police Collaboration Against Terrorism; The Selection of Police Officers: An Argument for Simplicity; A Macabre Encounter Underground; Life Events Stressors and Physical Reactions in Senior British Police Officers; Soliloquising; Discrimination, Conflict, The Police, The Community and Social Workers in Urban Society - U.S.A. and Britain: A Lawyer's View; Cannabis: A Case Study into "The Need to Decriminalize"; Recent Judicial Decisions; Book Reviews. Pages 1-108. Nr. F.