STRANGEWAYS. A Century of Hangings in Manchester.

Author: Baggoley (Martin)
Year: 2006
Publisher: Wharncliffe Books
First Edition
Edition Details: 1st edn.
Book Condition: New
ISBN: 9781903425978
Price: £7.00
New Softcover. Strangeways Gaol opened in 1868, the year that public executions ended. Between then and 1964, when the last man was hanged within its walls, 100 murderers were executed at the gaol. Most of them were men, but several women also felt the noose being placed around their necks, and there were double executions. Some of the murderers and their crimes are still remembered, such as Dr. Buck Ruxton of Lancaster, who murdered his wife and housemaid, before dismembering their bodies. Others are now almost forgotten and amongst these is Joseph Holden of Bury, the only man in the 20th century to be hanged for murdering his grandson. These and other equally fascinating cases are described in graphic detail. Illus., sources and Bibliog. + Index. 176ppp. New softcover.


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