THE SQUEAL MAN The True Story of Matt Bonora, Suburban Homicide Detective

Author: Flusser (Martin)
Year: 1977
Publisher: Wm.Morrow (New York)
Edition Details: 1st US Edn.
Book Condition: Vg+/Vg+
ISBN: 0688031935
Price: £15.00
Hardback. 'The squeal man' is a term used by US police for the detective who receives the first report of a crime. This is a behind-the-scenes account of suburban murder and how a homicide detective solves crimes of violence committed by and against the rich. Matt Bonora's specialty was cracking brutal homicide cases involving the wealthy who inhabited the expensive homes in Long Island's Nassau County, America's largest suburb. But unlike the common criminal, the killers he tracked down protected themselves with influential connections, superior lawyers and money. Matt Bonora was no ordinary cop. A student of criminal and investigative theory, social psychology and the pathological personality, Bonora was a dedicated, tough and ambitious homicide detective for over 20yrs. A master of interrogation techniques, he was pure cop. This book is based on over 100 interviews, police documents and court papers, portraying a battle of wits between cop and killer. 251pp. 8vo. h/back. From the library of true crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. Vg+ in Vg+ dw.


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