DEATH IN THE QUEEN CITY. Clara Ford on Trial, 1895

Author: Brode (Patrick)
Year: 2005
Publisher: Natural Heritage Books (Toronto)
First Edition
Edition Details: 1st Canadian Edn.
Book Condition: Vg+
ISBN: 9781897045008
Price: £7.00
Softcover. A single gunshot on Saturday night, October 6, 1894, shattered Toronto's prevailing sense of peace and security. That gunshot took the life of Frank Westwood, a young man from one of the city's most prominent families. This unprecedented attack produced a feeling of hysteria throughout Toronto and baffled the municipal police forces. Finally, a chance rumour led to the most unlikely of suspects - Clara Ford, a remarkable person for her time, or, indeed, any time. She was black at a time when people of African ancestry were considered exotic and occasionally unwelcome members of society. In both manners and dress she refused to conform to what Victorian Toronto considered proper forms of feminine behaviour. Clara lived at a time when women were regarded as pure and simple creatures. It was simply inconceivable for Toronto gentlemen to believe (as the prosecution would urge them to believe) that such an angelic creation as a woman could stalk and kill a man. Illus., Notes, Bibliog. and Indexs. 183pp. trade size softcover. From the library of true-crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. Vg+


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