MURDER OF THE INNOCENTS. Child-Killers and Their Victims

Author: Wilson (Paul R.)
Year: 1985
Publisher: Rigby
First Edition
Edition Details: 1st Australian Edn.
Book Condition: Vg+
ISBN: 072702034X
Price: £15.00
Softcover. The author, a leading criminologist, analyses a number of Australian and overseas child-killing cases in an effort to understand how such crimes take place. These cases represent killings of children and adolescents committed by their parents, by guardians, by strangers, and by other young people. The Australian cases are discussed in relation to child murders in England, America, and Canada, including the Moor Murders, the Atlanta killings, and the sex slayings of the Canadian Clifford Olson. The author is convinced that child sex-slayings, in particular, will increase with the availability of sexual-sadistic pornography. He also points out that the relatives of murdered children often receive appalling treatment from the police, the courts, and society at large. The List of Cases also includes, by name of convicted offender : Anthony Broussard, Theodore Bundy, Lindy Chamberlain, Dean Allen Coril, Albert Fish, James Frijaf, Frances Knorr, Peter Kurten, Leonard Keith Lawson, James Miller and Christopher Worrell (The Truro Murders), Alice Mitchell, Helen Patricia Moore, Dennis Nilsen, Fania Nona, Russell Pamtoonda, Lynette Phillips, Robin Reid and Paul Luckman, Brian Shipley, Peter Sutcliffe, and Edward Williams. Illus., Notes and Index. 214pp. trade size softcover. From the library of true-crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate. Top corner + several pp. of fr. cover creased but still Vg+.


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