WOMEN OUT OF CONTROL. How the girls next door became some of the world's most notorious sex criminals

Author: Stunell (Linda G.)
Year: 2007
Publisher: Carroll & Graf
First Edition
Edition Details: 1st US edn. (1st pub.UK Robinson)
Book Condition: NrF.
ISBN: 9780786719112
Price: £5.00
Paperback. Their sex crimes, their dramatic lives, and twisted notions of love. Featuring Lorena Bobbitt, Karla Homolka, Pamela Smart, Mary Letourneau, Karla Faye Tucker. Their names are recognised internationally and their stories continue to grab the headlines. How could these attractive, feminine, girl-next-door stereotypes be capable of such crimes as rape, torture and sexual assault. Supported by court transcripts, research studies, psychiatric reports and expert opinions, the author dares to tell the truth about female sex crimes and female sexuality. She exposes the myths about love, power and gender differences and reveals how the media hype makes celebrity superstars out of attractive women criminals. A fascinating journey inside the minds of women who lost control and committed sexual crimes that seem completely at odds with their nature and appearance. Illus., Bibliog. 208pp. p/back. From the library of true crime writer, Wilfred Gregg, with his personal b/plate., v. sl. bowed, but covers F.


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