Author: Harrison (Paul)
Year: 2007
Publisher: Wharncliffe Books
First Edition
Edition Details: 1st edn.
Book Condition: New
ISBN: 9781845630355
Price: £9.00
New softcover. Tales of violent death and villainy always hold us in a grim but thrilling grip. In this book the chill is brought close to home as each chapter investigates the darker side of humanity in cases of murder, deceit and pure malice committed over the centuries in this part of the country. From crimes of passion to opportunistic killings and coldly premeditated acts of murder, the full spectrum of criminality is recounted, bringing to life the more sinister history of Northampton and the surrounding villages from the 18th century onwards. For this journey into Northampton's bloody but neglected past, the author has selected over 20 notorious episodes that give a fascinating insight into criminal acts and the criminal mind. He reinvestigates some of the most intriguing cases, introduces new evidence and questions verdicts that were reached many years ago. Among the cases are 2 old people who were bludgeoned to death for no apparent reason; the murder of a mistress and her child; a philandering salesman who faked his own death; a promiscuous woman who came to a cruel end; a shoemaker who brutally attacked his wife, and the disappearance of Lydia Atley whose remains were never found. These human dramas are often played out in the most commonplace of circumstances, but others are so odd as to be stranger than fiction. The author's grisly chronicle of Northampton's hidden history - the history the town would prefer to forget - will be compelling reading for anyone who is interested in the dark side of human nature. Illus., Bibliog. and Index. 160pp. New softcover.


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